Mobi-Pro 2016

Training and work in Germany

Year: 2014-2016 Program: MobiPro

Project description

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Germany promotes, through the MobiPro program, the educational mobility of young Italians, giving them the opportunity to live in Germany and acquire a profession through apprenticeship, based on the dual system (practice and training in the company and training in vocational school). Possible professions include handicraft, commercial and hotel.

MobiPro includes a preparation phase in Vicenza consisting of a German course in Vicenza and a career and German orientation course. Those who pass the B1 German language level go on a 4-6 week internship in a German company. If the company and the trainee get along well together, an apprenticeship contract is signed with a duration of 3-3.5 years, depending on the chosen profession.

Preparation in Vicenza begins between the end of January and the end of February and requires regular attendance until the end of May. After a short break this is followed by a company internship in Germany and, after another short break, the apprenticeship starts on 1 August or 1 September.

The preparation course in Vicenza is free of charge; however, during the internship and apprenticeship, participants receive a salary of 818 Euro net per month.

More than 120 young people from all over Italy participated in the 2014, 2015 and 2016 editions. 90% signed an apprenticeship contract and are doing the work-training in Berlin, Paderborn, Black Forest and Münster.

Year: 2014-2016
Program: MobiPro
Title: Training and work in Germany

Bbw Berlin
HWK Münster
SBH Paderborn
Q-prints Pforzheim

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