Youth On The Empowerment

Year: 2013 – Program: Leonardo da Vinci multilateral project DoI

Project description


The main objective of the project is to develop an innovative methodology which will improve vocational training students capabilities and qualities


The experts selected by each partner country will develop a methodology structured as “Units of Competence” according to the ECVET Guidelines to have the possibility to recognize the learning outcomes.

The Methodology will be adapted as a “digital tool” and hosted in the project website , and it will be transferred to the vocational students as a “training course”.
Nowadays a lot of theory about different subjects is being taught at vocational centers, but there is a very important part that is left behind that is necessary to teach or show to students: how to deal with, and enhance aspects like leadership, self-abuse, non-violence behaviour, self-esteem, integration and cooperation among others.

The innovative methodological guide will be given to different Vocational Training teachers so they can introduce it in their work plan and test with their students, linking all these activities to fit the students’ psychological maturity which will help them to develop another set of skills and capabilities that provide a better social integration or employability according to the European Strategy 20/20.

Year: 2013
Program: Leonardo da Vinci multilateral project DoI
Reference number: 540327-LLP-1-2013-1-ES-LEONARDO-LMP
Title: YOTE “ Youth On The Empowerment”

FUNDACION DOCETE OMNES (Spain)– coordinator
Karriere Club (Austria)
Ada und Theodor Lessing Volkshochschule Hannover (Germany)
Eurocultura (Italy)
Association for Education and Development of Disabled People – ASEDDEDIPE (Greece)
Innovacion Formacion Y Empleo para Desarrollo Sostenible – AIFED (Spain)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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