
Improvement of Production and Management Processes in Dairy-Cheese Sector and Dairy waste Management

Year: 2014 Programme: Erasmus+ KA2

Project description

The dominant environmental problem caused by dairy processing is the discharge of large quantities of liquid effluent.


In rural areas dairy processing effluent may also irrigated to land. If not managed correctly, dissolved salts contained in the effluent can also leach into underlying groundwater and effect it's quality.
On the contrary, whey is a valuable source of nutrients if processed, recovery of whey components and/or use of whey as fermentation medium may be advantageous not only for the environment but also for a sustainable economy but compared with established West European markets, demand for whey products in the east European and accession countries remains under developed.
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia produce less whey compared with western EU countries. A higher production of whey and its conversion into functional foods can be a great added value for those countries.

The main objectives of WHY WHEY project is to:

  • Create awareness about the possibilities offered by the reuse of whey in Turkey and East EU.
  • Develop a vocational training pathway consisting in adapting, testing, disseminating an education/training/decision process integrated system of transferable teaching materials for new skills/jobs on dairy-food and feed sector for target groups.

Year: 2014
Program: Erasmus+ KA2
Reference number: 2014-1-TR01-K202-012957
Title: Why-Whey: Improvement of Production and Management Processes in Dairy-Cheese Sector and Dairy waste Management

Aydin Damizlik Koyun Keci Yetistiricileri Birligi (Tr) – coordinator
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi (Tr)
Balikesir Universitesi (Tr)
Tudás Alapítvány (Hu)
ARID Lacjum (Pl)
Eurocultura (It)
Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori dell'Umbria (It)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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