Culture Of iNcluSion In aDult lEarning oRganisations

Year: 2020 – 2022 – Program: Erasmus+

Project description

The project aims at enhancing the quality of adult training services through cultivating the inclusion culture in adult learning organisations at managerial and training level.


The general objectives of the project are:
• to support adult learning organisations for becoming more inclusive,
• to facilitate the outreach and access of adult education for disadvantaged members of society,
• to promote inclusion and active engagement of all learners in adult education.

The specific objectives of the project are:
• to set the Quality Framework of an inclusive training organisation from managerial to training,
• to design an assessment tool for the management of adult training organisations and an assessment tool for trainers of adults,
• To design e-learning courses for managers and adult trainers on how to promote inclusion in their organisations.

Target groups:
• Adult training organisations: public or private institutions that provide formal, non-formal and informal education as well as training institutions, chambers, trade unions, organisations, associations that provide education to adults, whether it’s work related or not.
• Managers of adult training organisations, adult trainers, other personnel who support adult learning.
• Beneficiaries: learners and anybody who attends courses in those organisations and the private, public or societal bodies that they come from.

The Intellectual outputs:

O1: Quality framework for inclusion of adult learning organisations: il will include the following quality areas:
• Educational curricula and inclusion in practice
• Learners Health and Safety
• Physical environment of the Adult learning organisation
• Staff policy
• Relationship and Communication with Adult learners
• Collaborative partnerships with communities

IO2: Assessment tools for inclusion for managers and trainers of adult learning organisations
• to be used as a support tool for the implementation of social inclusion policies and practices in the organisation
• 2 assessment tools /online questionnaires/ to evaluate the inclusion level offered by management and trainers of adult learning organisations.

O3: E-learning courses
• For managers: “Promoting inclusion in adult learning organisations” (20 hours)
• For trainers: “Inclusive adult learning methods and practices” (50 hours)


Synthesis Report on Inclusion in Adult Learning Organisations

Italy National report on Inclusion in Adult Learning Organisations

Year: 2020 - 2022
Program: Erasmus+
Reference number: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080543
Title: Culture Of iNcluSion In aDult lEarning oRganisations (CONSIDER)

IFRTS (FR) – coordinator
VHS Cham (DE)
Eurocultura (IT)


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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