Entrepreneurial Spirit in VET and Adult Education

Year: 2014 – Program: Erasmus+ KA2

The project MIGOBI is a partnership of nine European partners in VET, adult education and higher education who want to contribute to Europe 2020 goals by:

  • developing an open, flexible, interactive and engaging learning module on developing and experiencing entrepreneurial spirit in intercultural learning settings combining approaches used in adult education (open processes, learner centred) and approaches used in VET (outcome oriented, efficient).
  • addressing the challenge of enabling teachers and trainers in adult education and VET to implement educational spirit as a transversal approach in various training settings and while teaching various subjects


  • Improving key competences of European citizens concerning entrepreneurial spirit, intercultural skills and active citizenship
  • Improving participation of migrants and minorities and jobless young people in the world of VET, adult education, in the entrepreneurial world and in the society as a whole
  • Raising entrepreneurial spirit in adult and VET settings
    Enabling practical entrepreneurial experiences
  • Raising the number of enterprises
  • Raising people’s chances outside employment
  • Enhancing entrepreneurial education in VET and adult education
  • Developing competences of trainers and and teachers in VET and adult education in entrepreneurial education
  • Contributing to the development on open educational resources
  • Enhancing the use of European transparency instruments (ECVET / EQF)
  • Validating learning outcomes
  • Creating tailored learning opportunities

Main outcomes

  • curriculum and training material for an open, flexible, interactive and engaging learning module on developing and experiencing entrepreneurial spirit in intercultural learning settings combining approaches used in adult education (open processes, learner centred) and approaches used in VET (outcome oriented, efficient). In order to facilitate European recognition it will be aligned to European transparency instruments (ECVET / EQF).
  • implementation and testing of this module with 90 learners in eight countries
  • Curriculum and training material for train-the-trainer course in enabling teachers and trainers in adult education and VET to implement educational spirit as a transversal approach in various training settings and while teaching various subjects developed and tested both in European and in national settings with 140 trainers. All resources developed for this course will be open educational resources.
  • Research studies on Entrepreneurial Spirit in adult education and VET - for learners and for trainers.
  • Website with information, products and resources
  • 7 round tables to involve stakeholders and a final conference in Barcelona.
  • increased capacity of partners, involved learners, trainers and VET providers
  • fruitful partnership merging the positive elements of adult education (learner centeredness and flexible pathways) and VET (outcome orientation).

Year: 2014
Program: Erasmus+ KA2
Reference number:: 2014-1-AT01-KA200-001002
Title: MIGOBI – Entrepreneurial Spirit in VET and Adult Education
Website: www.migobi.eu

BFI OÖ (Austria) – coordinator
Volkshochschule Oberösterreich (Austria)
CEPS Projectes Socials (Spain)
Eurocultura (Italy)
Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK)
ISQ (Portugal)
Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (Sweden)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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